The 2014-2020 Partnership Agreement sets out the Polish investment priorities for 2014β2020, namely:
- Promoting a favourable business environment and facilitating entrepreneurship and innovation;
- Social cohesion and active labour market participation;
- Network infrastructure for growth and jobs;
- Environment and resource efficiency.
24 operational programmes will be implemented in Poland (16 are regional); they combine the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF).
The Ministry of Investment and Development is responsible for:
- Developing national policy which encompasses sustainable development; socio-economic and territorial cohesion);
- Facilitating the implementation of the National Strategy for Regional Development (Krajowa Strategia Rozwoju Regionalnego) and other regional policies (regional competitiveness, territorial and spatial cohesion);
- Implementing the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy;
- Coordinating the development and the implementation of regional operational programmes by regional governments;
- Supporting EU cooperation, managing European Funds, and monitoring implementation.
EU Funds
In this area, the Ministry is responsible for:
- Adopting the Cohesion Policy at the national level;
- Implementing the Cohesion Policy by means of six operational programmes at the national level.
Spatial planning
In this area, the Ministry is responsible for:
- Adopting the National Urban Policy (Krajowa Polityka Miejska); planning and spatial management, both at the national and regional levels. More specifically, this covers:
- Shaping space;
- Public participation;
- Transport and urban mobility;
- Energy efficiency;
- Revitalization;
- The investment policy;
- Economic development;
- Environmental protection;
- Adaptation to climate change;
- Demography; and
- Urban governance.
Regions are responsible for:
- Adopting a strategy for regional development.
EU Funds
Acting as managing authorities with regard to approximately 40% of the EU funds;
- Implementing the National Cohesion Strategy by means of 16 Regional Operational Programmes;
- Preparing and implementing regional development programmes fully decentralised at the regional level.
Spatial planning
- Spatial development (adoption of a Strategy for regional development and a Plan of Spatial Development in the Region);
- Water management;
- Land amelioration;
- Maintenance of hydro-installations.
Local authorities are responsible for:
- Adopting local development plan;
- Spatial and land use planning;
- Water and supply sewage treatment;
- Maintaining landfills.
Responsible ministries/bodies
The Ministry of Investment and Development
Regional (voivodship) authorities
County (powiat) authorities
Local (gmina) authorities
Act on the regions (Dz. U. z 1998r. Nr 91, poz. 576).
European Commission 2014 Summary of the Partnership Agreement for Poland, 2014-2020
European Commission, 2014, Poland Cohesion Policy Factsheet.
Ministry of Development
Ministry of Infrastructure/Development 2014-2020 Partnership Agreement
Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, 2015, Presentation Cohesion Policy in Poland 2014- 2020
Poland EU Operational Programmes
Spatial Planning and Spatial Management Act [ Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Dz. U. z dnia 10 maja 2003 r]