Poland - Fisheries
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Member State

16 regions (voivodships)
314 counties (powiat)
2478 municipalities

​Poland is a unitary state with local government (samorząd terytorialny) organised at three tiers

​Poland is a unitary state with local government (samorząd terytorialny) organised at three tiers


The Fisheries Department (Departament Rybołówstwa) of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation is responsible for:

  • Overall fisheries policy in accordance with the Common Fisheries Policy;
  • Implementation of tasks arising from the Operational Programme Fisheries and Sea from 2014 to 2020;
  • Developing of guidelines and programmes for marine fisheries, inland fisheries, aquaculture, and fish market development;
  • Supervising the management, protection, and exploitation of biological resources, marine waters, and inland waters;
  • Setting fishing quotas and conditions governing fishing;
  • Collecting statistical data on fisheries and forecasting the availability of fisheries and fish market;
  • Keeping a register of fishing vessels;
  • Issuing fishing licenses and special fishing permits;
  • Managing the marine information system and reporting system;
  • Co-operating in raising funds for the development of fisheries and fish farming;
  • Co-operating in the development of requirements for fish products in the field of production and marketing;
  • Supervising the execution of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture, the regional marine fisheries inspectorates, the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute (Morski Instytut Rybacki)  and the Stanislaw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn (Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego im. Stanisława Sakowicza).



Regional authorities:

Three regional fisheries inspectorates (Szczecin, Słupsk and Gdynia) are in charge of

  • Managing and monitoring fisheries within their territories;


The Gdynia Fisheries Monitoring Centre is i.a. responsible for:

  • Operating the Vessel Monitoring System; and
  • The fisheries reporting system.


The Office of the Marshal of the Voivodship is managing matters related to inland fishery and fisheries policy.


County fisheries inspectors are responsible for:

  • Counties;
  • Inland fisheries; and
  • Issuing spear fishing and fishing cards.





Responsible ministries/bodies

The Fisheries Department (Departament Rybołówstwa) of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation

Gdynia Fisheries Monitoring Centre

Office of the Marshal of Voivodship

Three regional fisheries inspectorates

Powiat/County sea fisheries inspectors

Regional (voivodship) authorities

Local (gmina) authorities



Act on County Self-Government (Dz. U. z 1998 r. Nr 91, poz. 578).

Gdynia Fisheries Monitoring Centre

Act on the counties (Dz. U. z 1998r. Nr 91, poz. 578).

Gdynia Fisheries Monitoring Centre

The Fisheries Department (Departament Rybołówstwa) of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation

UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, National Aquaculture Sector Overview/Poland, 2012.

Act on Sea Fisheries (Dz.U. 2015 poz. 222)


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