The National Water Agency (Gospodarstwo Wody Polskie) is responsible for:
- National Board for Water Management in Warsaw,
- Regional Water Management Boards,
- water basin management boards,
- water supervisory boards.
- holding ownership rights over state-owned waters,
- establishing and collects water use fees and taxes,
- supervising preparation and implementation of River Basin Management Plans and the Flood Risk Management Plans and the National Programme for Urban Wastewater treatment.
The Ministry of Environment is responsible for:
The Regional Water Management Boards (RWMBs) are responsible for water management in the water regions. Among their activities, the Boards:
- identify significant pressures and assess their impact on the status of surface and ground water in the region,
- develop terms of water use in the water region,
- develop the economic analysis of water use in the region,
- prepare flood studies in the water region,
- develop draft plans for flood protection,
- coordinate activities related to the protection against floods and drought,
- approve tariffs for municipal water supply, sewage collection and treatment,
- provide opinions on draft regulations for water supply and sewage disposal
- resolve disputes between water and sewage companies and recipients of their services.
- issue consents for the use of water (depending on the type of the undertaking, the consents may also be issued by water basin management boards or by the National Water Agency).
Voivodeships-level institutions are responsible for:
- regional implementation and enforcement of national water policy
- permits for investment, including pollution discharges
- water monitoring
Counties have a limited role in water management including supervision and control over the activities of water companies.
Local authorities are responsible for:
- protection of drinking water sources, in cooperation with the regional water authorities,
- implementation of specific measures set out in the RBMP and FRMP as well as in the National Programme for Urban Wastewater Treatment,
- ownership of companies responsible for water supply and wastewater treatment.
Responsible ministries/bodies
- Voivodeships;
- Regional Water Management Boards
- Regional Inspectorates for Environmental Protection carry out monitoring of water quality
County level