Estonia Energy


The Government is responsible for:

  • The elaboration of national development plans in the field of energy, electricity and renewable energy and ensuring their conformity with other national development plans;
  • Energy security and national strategies;
  • The organisation of the financing, implementation and performance evaluation of such development plans;
  • Preparing draft acts in the field of energy and ensuring their compliance with the Constitution and legal acts, as well as performance of the functions established by legal acts;
  • The organisation of international cooperation in the area of energy, including activities concerning the European Union;
  • Marine links between Estonia and Finland;
  • Renewable energy projects and subsidies;
  • Managing national liquid fuel stocks (through Estonian Oil Stockpiling Agency) in the event of oil supply disruption.


The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for implementation and co‑ordination for use of Oil Shale, policies pertaining to the environment in the energy sector.


The Ministry of Rural Affairs is responsible for implementation and co-ordination of development plans for enhancing the use of biomass and bioenergy.



 No competencies identified at the regional level.


Local ​

Local government units can determine its areas of 'DH‑only energy areas,' which determine providers of district heating. DH energy provision is derived from centralised sites and delivered via networks. This is invoked in areas where there are no practical alternatives for heat supply at the local level.

Local government units also have responsibilities in licensing and spatial planning in the electricity sector.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of Rural Affairs



Energy Policies of IEA countries: Estonia, 2019



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