Task Force on Subsidiarity and Proportionality and "Doing Less More Efficiently"


With Decision C(2017)7810 of 14 November 2017, the President of the European Commission established a Task Force on Subsidiarity, Proportionality and "Doing Less More Efficiently", with the aim of proposing how the EU could take better into account the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, both with regard to the attribution and the exercise of its competences.
The Task Force is chaired by the European Commission First Vice-President and it is composed by three members from the European Parliament*, three members from national Parliaments (designated by the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the EU – COSAC) and three members from the Committee of the Regions.


The Task Force will deliver a written report to the President of the Commission by 15 July 2018 with recommendations on:

a) how to better apply the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality in the work of the Union's Institutions, notably regarding the preparation and implementation of Union legislation and policies,
b) the identification of any policy areas where, over time, decision making and/or implementation could be re-delegated in whole or in part or definitively returned to the Member States, and,
c) the identification of ways to better involve regional and local authorities in the preparation and the follow-up of Union policies.
The three members representing the CoR in the Task Force are: the CoR President, Karl-Heinz Lambertz , the President of the Subsidiarity Steering Group, Michael Schneider, and the First Vice - President of CIVEX Commission, François Decoster.

The CoR participation in the Task Force will build on its consolidated role of voice of cities and regions in the European public sphere and on the expertise of the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network, including inputs from the Subsidiarity Steering Group and the Subsidiarity Expert Group.
The CoR will also foster inclusive consultations  to gather feedback, where necessary, from relevant stakeholders such as, regional parliaments and governments, European Associations of local and regional authorities.

All information on Task Force establishment and meetings is available on the Task Force website

​News​Stakeholder Consultations
  • 21/06/2018: The 6th meeting of the Task Force, see programme here. 
    All submissions of public organisations to the Task Force could be found here.
    All submissions of non-governmental organisations could be found here.
  • 28/05/2018: The Hearing and the 5th meeting of the Task Force, see programme for the Hearing here and for the  Task Force meeting here. The video of the event is available at this link and photos can be found on Flickr.
  • 15/03/2018: 3rd meeting of the Task Forcesee documents (including the CoR delegation's contribution) for this meeting here .
  • 23/02/2018: 2nd meeting of the Task Force, Room 9 (9th floor) of the Berlaymont building of the European Commission", see documents for this meeting here .
  • 25/01/2018: 1st meeting of the Task Force, Room S7 (7th floor) of the Berlaymont building of the European Commission  
  • ​18/01/2018: CoR
    The CoR will be represented in the Task Force by its President Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Michael Schneider and François Decoster read more..
  • 18/01/2018: European Commission
    Future of Europe: President Juncker appoints members to Task Force on Subsidiarity and Proportionality



  • 28/02/2018: Consultation of the Subsidiarity Expert Group on the first objective of the Task Force
    This consultation of the Subsidiarity Expert Group seeks to gather opinions and input relating to the first objective of the Task Force - how to better apply the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. This objective will be the subject of the next Task Force meeting on 15 March 2018.
    The consultation was launched on 28 February is open until 6 March 2018 (cob).

  • 02/02/2018: 1st Consultation on the third objective of the Task Force

 Relevant documents:



* The European Paliament hasn't nomimnated any member