This group of local and regional subsidiarity experts is meant to support the activities of the
Better Regulation and Active Subsidiarity Steering Group (BRASS-G) and the CoR's consultative activities in general. The Expert Group should give input to the Subsidiarity Annual Work Programme and be at the disposal of rapporteurs and CoR commissions if needed.
The experts provide some input to the CoR consultative activities that make the link to the subsidiarity debate in the Member States, strengthen the mutual comprehension and thus bring the CoR closer to its local and regional partners.
The state of play as of 25 May 2024 is the following:
Experts from regions with legislative powers
Claus BinderHead of Unit - Department of the Federal States, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Austria Luk Van LooyAdviser to the Legal Service, Flemish Parliament
Belgium Anton NilssonCounsellor, Åland Islands
Finland Costanza GaetaResponsible for EU and International Affairs, Conference of the Presidents of the Italian Regional Parliaments
Italy Juan Manuel Ceballos-Escalera FernándezProject manager in I+i European Programmes, Comunidad de Madrid
Spain Paola MorbioliPolicy Officer, Emilia-Romagna region, Delegation to the EU
Ana Enguídanos Weyler
Head of the EU department, Valencia Region
Experts from local and regional authorities with no legislative powers
Caspar Sluiter
European Affairs Officer, Netherlands association of municipalities (VNG)
The Netherlands
Michael Schmitz
Advisor, Deutscher Landkreistag / German County Association
Experts from local government associations
Pierre-André Rixhon
Secretary of the Walloon Parliament's committee for European affairs
CoR Interregional Group "Regions with legislative powers":
Carolin-Charlotte Kosel
Bavarian State Parliament
Eurocities does not wish to appoint an expert but wishes to be kept informed and to participate in the meetings of the Subsidiarity Expert Group as an observer.
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is represented on ad-hoc basis by Carol Thomas
The German Bundesrat is represented by Robert Dölling