
Cor Subsidiarity work programme 2016

In accordance with the Subsidiarity Monitoring Strategy, the Subsidiarity Work Programme (SWP) is prepared in coordination with all commissions to ensure a consistent approach to subsidiarity monitoring of legislative initiatives.

The Subsidiarity Work Programme is based on a priority list, i.e., an initial pre-selection of legislative initiatives included in the 2016 Commission Work Programme based on the following cumulative criteria:

  • initiatives should present a clear political interest for local and regional authorities;
  • initiatives should touch on competences of local and regional authorities;
  • initiatives should have a potential subsidiarity dimension;
  • preference should be given to legislative proposals. Moreover, the pre-selection takes account of European Committee of the Regions (CoR) priorities and initiatives included in the work programmes of the commissions.

This work programme provides guidelines for the work to be carried out in 2016 and therefore helps to ensure forward-looking and strategic planning of subsidiarity monitoring activities while also ensuring the necessary flexibility to adapt to changes in the institutional and political agenda.

Given that the CIVEX commission has responsibility for oversight of subsidiarity and proportionality monitoring, and in light of the emphasis placed by the European Commission on ensuring that the principle of subsidiarity is fully upheld, the CIVEX commission cooperates closely with all commissions, making use of all synergies and available resources. For this purpose, CIVEX relies on the work of the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network and its Subsidiarity Steering Group (SSG) and the Subsidiarity Expert Group (SEG).