Italy Civil protection

Central level

The central government is responsible for:

  • The promotion and coordination of the different administrations' (central, regional, provincial and municipal) activities;
  • The declaration and revocation of the state of emergency (with the Regions);
  • The adoption of ordinances for emergency interventions (together with the relevant Regions);
  • The regulation of standards, and
  • Operative functions.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Cabinet Department of Civil Protection.

Regional level

Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • All the administrative functions not expressly conferred to the State (shared), in particular:
    • Prevention and pre-emption programmes, on the basis of national guidelines;
    • Emergency interventions;
    • Various operative functions, and
    • The organisation of volunteers.

Local level



Provincial authorities are responsible for:

  • All the administrative functions not expressly conferred to the State (shared), in particular:
    • Provincial plans of emergency, on the basis of regional guidelines;
    • The prevision and prevention of risks at the provincial level, and
    • Control over the provincial civil protection structures.



Municipal authorities are responsible for:

  • All the administrative functions not expressly conferred to the State (shared), in particular:
    • The forecast and prevention of risks at the local level, in accordance with the regional programmes and plans;
    • Rescue services;
    • Local and inter-municipal emergency plans, on the basis of regional guidelines;
    • Control over the local civil protection structures, and
    • The organisation of volunteers at the local and inter-municipal levels, on the basis of national and regional guidelines.



Constitution, Article 117.

Decreto Legislativo 18 agosto 2000, n. 267 "Testo unico delle l​eggi sull'ordinamento degli enti locali" (G.U. n. 227 del 28 setembre 2000 - Supplemento Ordinario n. 162) [Legislative Decree 267/2000 on the organisation of local authorities], Articles 13 and 19.

Decreto Legislativo 31 marzo 1998, n. 112 "Conferimento di funzioni e compiti amministrativi dello Stato alle regioni ed agli enti locali, in attuazione del capo I della legge 15 marzo 1997, n. 59" (G.U.  n. 92 del 21 aprile 1998 - Supplemento Ordinario n. 77
(Rettifica G.U. n. 116 del 21 maggio1997) [Legislative Decree 112/1998].


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