The Minister of Education, Science and Culture governs the affairs of adult education. This includes:
- General policy-making for adult education in consultation with stakeholders;
- General administration for the implementation of the Adult Education Act;
- Affairs of the Education and Training Fund;
- Support for development and innovation in the field of adult education and supervision and evaluation; and
- Responsible for the affairs covered by the Upper Secondary School Act, including:
- General policy-making regarding upper secondary school matters;
- National Curriculum Guide and validation of school curriculum guide and study programme descriptions;
- Supervision of school administration and school activities;
- Providing support for developmental work in upper secondary schools and for development of instructional material;
- Gathering, processing and disseminating information on school activities.
Iceland 2020 – governmental policy statement for the economy and community implemented by the Prime Minister’s office puts in place provisions for on the job training, and further study opportunities for people excluded from the labour market.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture website
Local municipalities are responsible for establishment management, maintenance and funding of vocational schools and VET programmes.
European Union, Erasmus + project (2014-2020) aims to support projects that aim to increase the skills and capacity of individuals to cope with the jobs of the future and ensure the modernization of education and youth systems in the participating countries.
Funding is provided at local levels for vocational training in schools and in places of work.
Association of Icelandic Local Authorities in, Local governments in Iceland
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture website
The Adult Education Act of 31 March 2010
The Upper Secondary School Act of 12 June 2008
Erasmus Plus, Vocational Education and Training grants programme
Iceland 2020 – governmental policy statement for the economy and community