The Ministry of Welfare
is responsible for:
- Administration of legislation related to social affairs and social security;
- Policy-making on social affairs and social security;
- Welfare homes;
- Social security;
- Gender equality;
- Child protection;
- Financial assistance to parents of chronically ill children and seriously disabled children; and
- Affairs of the elderly.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Welfare
Municipal authorities are responsible for:
- Responsible for social services within their boundaries. Social services means:
- Social counselling;
- Financial assistance;
- Social assistance in the home;
- The welfare of children and young persons;
- Services for adolescents;
- Services for the elderly,
- Services for people with disabilities;
- Housing;
- Assistance for alcoholics and the prevention of drug abuse;
- Kindergarten;
- Nursery,
- Family welfare services;
- Welfare homes;
- Child protection; and
- Social service committees, elected by the municipal councils, are responsible for the implementation of the social services in the municipalities as agents of the municipal councils.
Association of Icelandic Local Authorities in, Local governments in Iceland
Association of Icelandic Local Authorities, Social Project
Ministry of Welfare
Municipalities Social Services Act, No. 40/1991
Whitaker, D and Thorsteinsson, G (2016) The Iceland Watch: A land that thinks outwards and forwards, Memoirs Publishing