In March 2015 the Foreign Minister told the EU Presidency that the government has no intention of resuming the EU accession process, Commitments made by the former government in the accession process are superseded by the new policy put forward in March 2014 (Iceland’s Policy on Europe: Priorities and Implementation).
The policy prioritises efficient implementation of the EEA Agreement, including by improving consultation within the administration and with Althingi. Independent, proactive and close cooperation with the EU and its Member States will continue to be a priority. The policy underlines the importance the government places on Iceland becoming involved in the EU legislative process at an earlier stage.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs maintains membership of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
The Association of Icelandic Local Authorities has a liaison office established in Brussels. It aims at safeguarding the interests of Icelandic local authorities vis-à-vis the European Union and in the EEA co-operation. The office provides information on European affairs to Icelandic local authorities and facilitates the participation of Municipalities and their regional associations in European programmes and co-operation[1].
The Association of Icelandic Local Authorities is associated with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (CLRAE), and the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).
In addition, Icelandic local authorities and their associations have developed extensive relations with local authorities in the other Nordic and European countries. Icelandic Municipalities also take part in several of the European Union’s co-operation projects.
[1] Association of Icelandic Local Authorities, The Brussels Office