Consultations related to Impact Assessments





NAME DATE Requesting body Links





NAME DATE Requesting body Links
​Assessment on Territorial Impacts ​from 01 February to 27 March ​Committee of the Regions Webpage
Future of rail transport in the EU​ from 10 May to 25 June 2012​ Committee of the Regions & European Commission​ Report, Webpage

LIFE Impact Assessment 

from 8 February 2011 to 15 April 2011

European Commission

Report, Webpage

Consultation on the upcoming Second European Agenda on Integration *

from 18 february to 31 March 2011

European Commission

Report, Webpage

Assessment of Territorial Impacts of the EU Post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy 

from 9 September 2010 to 25 October 2010

Ms Linda Gillham (UK/EA)

Report, Webpage

Revised Drinking Water Directive

January 2010

Mr Gustaaf Borchardt
DG Environment
Director - Directorate D: Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology


EU Action to Reduce Health Inequalities

from 6 February to 3rd April 2009

Catherine Day
Secretary-General of the European Commission

Report, COM(2009) 567 final



* This consultation was not carried out within an Impact Assessment process, however it was meant to provide views of local and regional authorities to the European Commission ahead of the legislative phase