New Impact Assessment consultation

Questionnaire available in all EU official languages.

The Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Commission's DG MOVE would like to invite local and regional authorities to participate in a consultation on the future of rail transport in the EU. This consultation is a fundamental part of a broader impact assessment exercise that the European Commission is undertaking to assess the need to take further action at European level regarding market opening for domestic passenger transport by rail and ensuring non-discriminatory access to rail infrastructure and services.

This is a joint CoR/Commission initiative aimed at contributing to an assessment of the territorial impact of a future EU initiative in this policy field. All information received from local and regional authorities will thus be shared between the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions.

Please click here to access the questionnaire prepared for the European Commission. Click on "local and regional authority" . At the end of the questionnaire you will be redirected to a number of questions proposed by the Committee of the Regions addressing specific issues of major interest for local and regional authorities. The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of local and regional authorities on measures that may improve the quality and competitiveness of rail services in the EU.

For a direct access to the questions proposed by the Committee of the Regions, you can click here.

Deadline for contributions is 21 June 2012.


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any assistance or further information. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation to make this impact assessment consultation a success!