Bosnia and Herzegovina - Transport
Compare with:


  • Common and international communications facilities (policy and regulation);
  • International and inter-Entity transportation and infrastructure;
  • Control of unimpeded transport in international transport;
  • Civil air traffic.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of communications and transport of BIH


Responsibilities common to both Entities

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Infrastructure for communications and transport (shared with the Cantons)
  • Road transport;
  • Public roads, railways, air, maritime, river, lake transport;
  • Pipeline transport;
  • Safety of road, rail, air, maritime, river and lake transport; flight control;
  • Telecommunications and post, except for establishment and functioning of the joint and international communication devices;
  • Inspection and supervision in the field of public roads and road, rail, air, maritime, river and lake transport (Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications);
  • Planning, coordination and development, standardisation and maintenance of the capacities of the airport facilities and equipment, flight control equipment and aircrafts (Federal Directorate for Civil Aviation);
  • Training and development of human resources;
  • Financial engineering; preparation, organisation and managing of the construction of motorways;
  • Coordination and implementation of commitments in defining and constructing the motorway corridor (Vc and other corridors);
  • Preparation of long-term and medium-term plans, as well as project tasks for the construction and development of motorways in the Federation;
  • Preparation of investment-technical documentation; preparation, defining and elaboration of tender documentation;
  • Organisation of financing for construction of motorways (Federal Directorate for Building, Managing and Maintaining Motorways).


Republika Srpska

Administrative and technical tasks in the field of:

  • Legislation in the field of transport;
  • Road traffic, road traffic safety;
  • Technical safety of motor vehicles and licensing of stations for technical inspection of motor vehicles;
  • Public roads (motorways, main roads and regional roads);
  • International bilateral permits for transporting goods via international road traffic, licensing drivers and vehicles in international road transport;
  • Rail transport, railway transport security, railway infrastructure, industrial railways, urban railways and cable cars, verification of companies for production of railway equipment, approval of prototype devices for railways;
  • Air transport, airports, air -companies, organisations and associations in the field of air transport;
  • River and lake transport, safety of inland waterways and lake transport, development of waterways;
  • Water infrastructure (ports, harbours, etc.);
  • Transport permits and approvals for sailing ships;
  • Combined transport and trans-shipment services;
  • Communication systems, radio communications, postal, telegraph and telephone traffic, telecommunications, telecommunications infrastructure, broadcasting systems;
  • Monitoring and guiding of the development of all forms of transport and telecommunications;
  • Coordination of preparation of medium- and long-term plans for development of transport in Republika Srpska;
  • Development of strategic infrastructure projects and investment programmes in transport and other infrastructure works.


Intermediate level

Cantons (FBiH)

  • Infrastructure for communications and transport (shared with the Federation).

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Transport and Communication of the of the Republic of Srpska

Federal Ministry Transport and Communications 


FBiH’s Municipalities

  • Management, financing and improvement of local roads and bridges;
  • Organisation and improvement of local public transport.

Republika Srpska’s Municipalities

  • Local and uncategorised roads and streets;
  • Public transportation. 


Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Council of Ministers of BiH portal, Ministry of communications and transports

Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1/94, 13/97, 16/02, 22/02, 52/02, 60/02, 18/03, 63/03, 9/04, 20/04, 33/04,71/05, 72/05, 32/07 (Corrigenda), 88/08.

Constitution of Republika Srpska, Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, 6/92, 8/92, 15/92, 19/91, 21/92, 28/94, 8/96, 13/96, 15/96, 16/96 and 21/96;

Zakon o republickoj upravi [Law on Republic administration], Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, no. 118/08, 11/09, 74/10 & 56/10

FBiH Government portal, Federal Ministry Transport and Communications
Zakono Principima Lokalne Samouprave U Federaciji Bosne I Hercegovine [Law on the principles of local government in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - unofficial translation]. “Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 49/06, 51/09

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