State authorities are responsible for:
- Legislative and administrative competence to set norms and lay down classifications for electric facilities as well as taking security measures in this field. (Art. 10 (10) Constitution);
- Legislative and administrative competence to ensure the security of energy supplies;
- Legislative and administrative competence for the control of fissile material and technology for the production of the same;
- Competence to set minimum standards for the energy efficiency of electronic equipment as well as to label electronic equipment according to its energy efficiency as well as the organisation of the energy efficiency;
- Framework legislation for the production, transition, distribution and provision of electricity industry;
- Price setting for the usage of power grids;
- Support of energy from renewable sources.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and
Regional authorities are responsible for:
- Provincial energy plans;
- Administration of renewable energy policies;
- Energy taxes;
- Financial grants to promote the development of renewable energy technologies.
Local authorities are responsible for:
- Local energy plans;
- Administration of the 'e5 programme' – a programme which provides support for the municipalities to achieve energy efficiency and improve climate protection;
- Providing energy efficiency information.
Energielenkungsgesetz (only DE)
Erdöl-Bevorratungs- und Meldegesetz (only DE)
e5 Österreich – Programm für energieeffiziente Gemeinden
Green Electricity Act 2012 (EN) /Ökostromgesetz (DE)
Sicherheitskontrollgesetz (only DE)
Elektrotechnikgesetz (only DE)