REGPEX Profile

Spain - Region of Murcia

Regional Assembly of Murcia (Asamblea Regional de Murcia) established in June 1982.

Number of Members of Parliament

Length of the parliamentary mandate
Four years.

Mode of selection of the Members of Parliament
Direct elections using the allocation of seats of the D'Hondt system of proportional representation. For further information, see here (ES).

Population included in the constituency of the regional parliament
1.470.069 inhabitants (as of end 2011).

  1. Competences (legislative and non-legislative), legal bases and policy areas where the regional parliament is active
  2. List of committees/sub-committees or working groups in the regional parliament 
  3. Committees in charge of scrutinising subsidiarity
  4. Staff in charge of subsidiarity scrutiny  
  5. Subsidiarity check
  6. Cooperation/coordination at the regional level  
  7. Cooperation/coordination at the central level  
  8. Cooperation/coordination at the cross-regional level 
  9. Cooperation/coordination at the EU level 

Competences (legislative and non-legislative), legal bases and policy areas where the regional parliament is active  

Legislative: The Parliament is competent for all areas listed in the region's Statute of Autonomy, i.e. those which do not come under the remit of the National Government and which are governed by the Spanish Constitution. These competences include inter alia land use, public works, agriculture, hydraulic installations and promotion of culture. For further information, see Title I of the Statute of Autonomy, available here (ES).

Non-legislative: The Parliament controls, supports and guides the Regional Government, in accordance with Murcia's Statute of Autonomy (see link above).

List of committees/sub-committees or working groups in the regional parliament
Legislative Standing Committees include inter alia:

  • Committee on General and Institutional Affairs and European Union;
  • Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget;
  • Committee on Planning Policy, Environment, Agriculture and Water;
  • Committee on Industry, Labour, Commerce and Tourism;
  • Committee on Health and Social Affairs;
  • Committee on Education and Culture.

There are also Non-legislative Standing Committees and Special Committees. For further information, see here (ES).

Committees in charge of scrutinising subsidiarity   
Committee on the control of the application of the principle of subsidiarity, composed of four regional Members of Parliament.

Staff in charge of subsidiarity scrutiny  
There is no staff specifically in charge of subsidiarity monitoring.

Subsidiarity check  
Nature (selective/systematic): There is currently no subsidiarity check in place.
Procedure: The National Parliament (Cortes Generales) sends all EU legislative proposals to the autonomous regional parliaments by e-mail via the Joint Committee for European Affairs.

Cooperation/coordination at the regional level 

The Regional Assembly provides the Regional Government with all the information sent to it by the Joint Committee for European Affairs of the Congress of Deputies.

Cooperation/coordination at the central level 
EU draft legislation is forwarded by the Spanish Parliament (Cortes Generales) to all Spanish regional parliaments. In turn, the latter may transfer resolutions on the infringement of the subsidiarity principle to the Spanish Parliament within four weeks. The legal basis is found in Act 8/1994 of 19 May 1994, as amended by Act 24/2009 of 22 December 2009, regulating the Joint Committee for European Affairs and bringing it in line with the Lisbon Treaty.

Cooperation/coordination at the cross-regional level 
There is some cooperation through the Conference of Presidents of the Autonomous Parliaments of Spain (COPREPA), which provides a forum for the presidents of the regional assemblies to share experiences. In order to facilitate the subsidiarity monitoring by regional parliaments and the cross-regional cooperation in this field, the Parliaments of Aragon and Navarre have published a guide for drafting opinions in the context of the early warning system (Guía para la elaboración de los dictámenes autonómicos en el sistema de alerta temprana, available here (ES)). This guide was presented and discussed at the March 2011 meeting of COPREPA.

Cooperation/coordination at the EU level  
There is no cooperation/coordination with regional parliaments in other Member States. The Regional Assembly has occasional contacts with EU institutions and participates in CALRE (Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies).

Important legal notice
The data and information contained in the profiles has been collected by an external contractor (University of Leuven - Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Center and University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh Research and Innovation ) and does not represent the official views of the Committee of the Regions (CoR). Furthermore, the CoR does not guarantee its accuracy and may not be held responsible for any errors which, despite careful preparation and checking, may appear, nor for the use that may be made of this data and information. Should you require further information or wish to notify us of any modification in relation to the data or information contained in the profiles, please contact the Subsidiarity Team within Unit E2 ( The policy on data protection (as laid down in Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data), applies to the personal data included in the profiles. Should you require further information or wish to exercise your rights under Regulation (EC) 45/2001 (e.g. access to or rectification of data), please contact the data controller (Head of Unit E2). If required, you can also contact the CoR Data Protection Officer. You have the right to recourse to the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time.