Bosnia-Herzegovina Social


Ministry of civil affairs in charge of defining basic principles for:

  • Coordination and consolidation of Entities’ plans;
  • Definition of international strategy. 

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of civil affairs


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The department of Social elfare and protection of families and children of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (FBiH), is responsible for the following services:

  • Social welfare and solidarity policy;
  • Pension and disability insurance;
  • Welfare of the civil victims of the war;
  • Family welfare, children adoption and custody;
  • Social protection.

Republika Srpska

The department for social, family and child protection of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is responsible for the following services:

  • Child and youth care;
  • Social insurance and other forms of social care;
  • Social welfare, family and child protection;
  • Planning and operation of social, family and child protection;
  • Planning and financing of realisation of individual social protection rights;
  • Programmes on construction, reconstruction, adaptation and equipping of institutions for social protection;
  • Development programmes aiming at the improvement of social, family and child protection;
  • Supervision of professional work of institutions for social and child protection;
  • Planning and coordination of additional professional training of social workers;
  • Introduction of standards of professional performance and services provided in social welfare institutions;
  • Participation in development, preparation and implementation of strategies and programmes on social, family and child protection;
  • Fostering and promoting of family protection and social forms of child care, youth care and care for adult individuals without families;
  • Monitoring and promoting of programmes for social, family and child care, social rehabilitation and training of persons with disabilities;
  • Monitoring, analysis and study of the phenomenon and needs in social, child and family protection;
  • Monitoring of vulnerability and the social needs of the population;
  • Encouraging and coordination of social and humanitarian activities;
  • Harmonisation of legal regulations with the EU standards.

Intermediate level

Cantons (FBiH)

  • Implementation and provision of services;
  • Housing.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (FBIH)

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Srpska


FBiH’s Municipalities

  • Housing (creation and implementation of housing policy; adoption of programmes for housing development and other kinds of property developments);
  • Social welfare: assessing the work of institutions and quality of services;
  • Ensuring funds required for the improvement of their work and quality of services in accordance with the citizens’ needs and the local self-government units’ capabilities.

Republika Srpska’s Municipalities

  • Centres for social work;
  • Monitor the social needs of its citizens, families and individual vulnerable groups and define social care policy in their area;
  • Develop a municipal social care programme;
  • Create conditions for the provision of quality social services to its citizens (services for children, elderly, invalids, families with problems, and other socially vulnerable persons);
  • Establish centres for social work and take care of staffing, housing, financial and technical conditions for their work;
  • Provide funds for payment of the rights set by the law;
  • Monitor and assist the social work of humanitarian organisations
    and citizens in performing humanitarian activities;
  • Develop other activities in accordance with needs and possibilities in social care. 


Council of Ministers of BiH portal, Ministry of civil affairs

Republic of Srpska, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Department of Social, Family and Child Protection portal.

Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1/94, 13/97, 16/02, 22/02, 52/02, 60/02, 18/03, 63/03, 9/04, 20/04, 33/04,71/05, 72/05, 32/07 (Corrigenda), 88/08.

FBiH Government portal, Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Department of Social Welfare and protection of families and children.

Constitution of Republika Srpska, Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, 6/92, 8/92, 15/92, 19/91, 21/92, 28/94, 8/96, 13/96, 15/96, 16/96 and 21/96.

Zakon o republickoj upravi [Law on Republic administration- unofficial translation], Official Gazette of Republika Srpska 118/08.

Zakono Principima Lokalne Samouprave U Federaciji Bosne I Hercegovine [Law on the principles of local government in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - unofficial translation]. “Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 49/06, 51/09

Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi [Law on local self-government – unofficial translation], Article 18, Official Gazette of Republika Srpska 101/04, further amendments published in official gazettes: 42/05, 118/05.

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