CoR Subsidiarity Work Programme for 2015

The Bureau of the Committee of the Regions adopted its Subsidiarity Work Programme for 2015 at its meeting on 15 April 2015.

Monitoring will therefore focus on five core priority initiatives: 

  • Strategic Framework for the Energy Union
  • Labour Mobility Package
  • European Agenda on Migration
  • Review of the decision-making process on genetically modified organisms (GMO)
  • Waste Package


 Furthermore, two additional and relevant dossiers were as well retained for monitoring:

  • Promoting integration and employability in the labour market
  • Digital Single Market Package

Moreover, the proposal for an inter-institutional agreement on better law-making was identified as an initiative worth following from an institutional point of view.
EU initiatives outside the Commission Work Programme 2015 could be monitored by the CoR, in agreement with the Subsidiarity Steering Group (SSG).

The 7th Subsidiarity Conference is to be held in autumn 2015 and specific awareness raising and training activities will be carried out throughout the year. 

The Subsidiarity Work Programme was adopted upon proposal of the Subsidiarity Steering Group which relied on the initial work carried out by the Subsidiarity Expert Group. It will be implemented in close liaison with the CIVEX commission, which endorsed this Work Programme at its meeting of 24 February 2015.

The SMN will use the range of tools available to monitor the core priority initiatives and additional and relevant dossiers. We encourage the SMN partners to get involved and invite to contribute to specific consultations