Launch of targeted consultation on the Action Plan on Urban Mobility
We are happy to announce that Sir Albert BORE (UK/PES), member of the COTER commission and CoR rapporteur on the Action Plan on Urban Mobility [COM (2009) 490 final] invites the partner institutions of the CoR Subsidiarity Monitoring Network to participate in a targeted consultation on this subject matter.
The purpose of this consultation is to add to the debate on the Action Plan, in particular by looking at best practices and innovative solutions implemented within Europe’s cities and regions and contributing to the attainment of the goal of a sustainable urban mobility in the EU.
The results of the consultation are going to feed in the CoR opinion on the Action Plan, which is currently in preparation within the COTER commission and which will be discussed in the COTER meeting of 26 February 2010. The final CoR opinion will be adopted at the Plenary Session of April 2010.
The consultation will be open from 16 November 2009 until 8 January 2010. In order to participate, please fill in the questionnaire below and submit it by the aforementioned deadline.
You can do so either by email at or by uploading it directly via the website of the CoR Subsidiarity Monitoring Network (please remember to be logged in).
The rapporteur’s working document has been uploaded on the SMN website and can additionally be accessible through the TOAD portal.
Please do not hesitate to communicate with us, should you require any assistance or additional information.
We look forward to your cooperation for making this consultation a success.
Links to questionnaires