8th Subsidiarity Conference on 4 December 2017

The 8th Subsidiarity Conference which will be jointly organised by the European Committee of the Regions and the Austrian Bundesrat, will take place on 4 December 2017 in Hofburg in Vienna.

The Subsidiarity Conference, held every two years, seeks to strengthen the EU inter-institutional dialogue on subsidiarity scrutiny and allows for a true exchange between all involved in the subsidiarity monitoring process.

This year, the Conference will put the spotlight on the practical application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

Please find on the right side the draft agenda of the conference, the registration form and practical information. We kindly ask you to fill out the registration form and return it by 4 November 2017 via e-mail to . Please note that only registered participants will have access to the Conference venue.

We look forward to welcoming you at the 8th Subsidiarity Conference. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Subsidiarity team of the European Committee of the Regions (email: ).