This year, the Subsidiarity Thematic Workshop organised within the Open Days will focus on:
"Social Cohesion in a time of crisis: local and regional innovative reponses". The workshop will take place on 7 October from 11.15 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Committee of the Regions
(JDE 53). The Workshop will be chaired by
Mr Lucio Gusetti, Director of Consultative Works, CoR.
Outline of the Workshop: The purpose of the Thematic Subsidiarity Workshops (TSW) is to direct the subsidiarity debate towards practical issues in policy making within specific sectors, i.e. those policy domains where decisions are mostly made at the local, regional or national levels and where the European Union does not have exclusive competences. This workshop will focus on social innovation and will aim to showcase how applying subsidiarity can produce excellent results in the field of social innovation. Our speakers will present concrete examples of policy making and implementation which show how applying the subsidiarity principle in the field of social innovation can provide adequate responses for achieving social cohesion at regional and local level in the present difficult economic situation.
The speakers:
- Ms Henriette Van-Eijl, Policy Officer, Innovation Policy Development, DG Enterprise at the European Commission. "Social innovation; how innovation policy can empower people, entrepreneurs and society"
- Mr Luis María Ullibarri Martínez de Aguirre, Director of Social Innovation at Innobasque, the Basque Innovation Agency. "Social Innovation and subsidies: two good practices"
- Ms Nuria Mignone, Officer in charge of European Projects, Province of Alessandria, Italy, Officer to the President of the Social Cohesion Thematic Committee of Arco Latino. "The experience of Provincia di Alessandria"
- Ms Silvia Ganzerla, Senior Policy Officer, Social Affairs, Eurocities. "Social Innovation at local level – examples from Eurocities"
Useful documents: