Impact Assessment Consultation on the Review of the Drinking Water Directive
The Committee of the Regions in cooperation with DG ENV of the European Commission is organising a consultation aiming to assess the territorial impacts of certain elements in the review of the Directive on the Quality of Water intended for Human Consumption (98/83/EC). The consultation is open to members of the CoR Lisbon Monitoring Platform, the CoR Subsidiarity Monitoring Network, as well as other local and regional authorities and their associations from the EU Member States.
The consultation is open until Monday 30 November 2009. To participate in the consultation please fill in the on-line questionnaire below.
For more information please contact the Networks & Subsidiarity Unit at the CoR by email at or by phone at +32 (2) 282 20 30.
Translations of the questionnaire are now available below:
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Impact Assessment Consultation
on the Review of
the Drinking Water Directive