Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – Legislative Assembly, Resolution n. 55, 26/04/2017 "European Session 2017. Addresses on the participation of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in EU policy making process".

​Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – Legislative Assembly, Resolution n. 55, 26/04/2017 "European Session 2017. Addresses on the participation of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in EU policy making process".

Resolution n. 55/2017 is the outcome of the 2017 EU Affairs Session of the Legislative Assembly of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region (IT). It sums up the political debate held by the Assembly on EC Annual Work Programme, pointing out comments and proposals on issues of regional interest and refers to relevant regional acts to be adopted or already in force.
In paragraph 10, the Assembly argues that EC Programme priority on "A Union of democratic change" could be better achieved if Regions and Local Authorities are involved, in compliance with subsidiarity and proportionality principles. Therefore, it wishes for a deeper and more effective involvement of regional legislative assemblies in EU law making process, if necessary also with a modification of the Treaties: Regions should not only monitor the respect of subsidiarity and proportionality, but they should also address the matter dealt by EU legislation so that to represent the necessary link between the EU and the territorial dimension.