Emilia Romagna Region – Legislative Assembly, Resolution n. 4557, 8/05/2017 "European Session 2017. Addresses on the participation of Emilia Romagna Region in preparatory and implementing phases of EU law".

Resolution n. 4557/2017 is the outcome of the 2017 EU Affairs Session of the Legislative Assembly of Emilia Romagna Region (IT), dealing, among others, with the following issues:

  • It sums up the political debate held by the Assembly on topics of regional interest in the EC Annual Work Programme, pointing out comments and proposals and referring to relevant Regional acts;
  • It commits to strengthen the participation of the Legislative Assembly of Emilia Romagna Region in EU decision making process, namely improving the cooperation with the Regional Government to accomplish with "better regulation" requirements and with the National Parliament for the assessment on the respect of subsidiarity and proportionality principles;
  • It sums up activities and commitments related to the Region's participation in the implementation phase of legislative procedure;
  • It commits to keep a permanent link with EP, COR, Subsidiarity Monitoring Network and REGPEX in order to take an active part in EU decision making process.​