Decentralization Index

An interactive tool with perspective on different dimensions of decentralisation (political, administrative and fiscal) across the 27 EU Member States. Show more
With its interactive map, the Index allows for observing the degree of decentralisation within a country at local and regional levels, as well as for a comparison among Member States. The indicators for establishing the degree of decentralisation were developed through a dedicated study, taking into account the existing data contained in the Division of Powers portal, including on legal bases for various governance structures in Member States.​ Show less
Overall decentralization
Fiscal decentralization
Administrative decentralization
Political decentralization

Overall decentralization

Overall decentralisation represents the average score of 3 dimensions:

1- Fiscal decentralisation

2- Administrative decentralisation

3- Political decentralisation

See the tab for each respective dimension for more details.


Score 1.2 Rank 23/27

General structure of the Member State

  • Unitary state
  • 1 level(s) of subnational government:Municipalities
  • Lowest tier with self-government:MunicipalityRegional level quasi non-existant
  • 102 Local Administrative Units (LAUs)
  • Average population size by LAU: 6138

Decentralisation score by dimension

Local level
Regional level