State authorities are responsible for:
- Overall legislation;
- Regulation of standards;
- Development of the strategy for Croatian tourism;
- Establishment of the Croatian tourist community;
- Tourism Development Strategy until 2020, including its implementation;
- Promotion of Croatian tourism and hospitality abroad;
- Identification of market opportunities;
- Overseeing the budget and other revenues established within the scope of the Ministry of Finance;
- Tourism product development, investments and HR development;
- National action plans for the tourism sector.
Regional authorities are responsible for:
- Promotion of regional tourist destinations on a national level;
- Management of public tourism infrastructure (in cooperation with local self-government authorities);
- Contribute to the accomplishment of the objectives and tasks of tourist communities;
- Adoption of a strategic marketing plan for Croatian tourism;
- Tourism promotion at home and abroad, in accordance with the strategic marketing plan of Croatian tourism;
- Establishing a tourist information system;
- Undertaking measures and activities for the development and promotion of all types of tourism;
- Performing expert supervision in tourist communities;
- Providing continuing education activities within the tourist community (seminars, courses, etc.).
Local Authorities are responsible for:
- Management of public touristic infrastructure (in cooperation with regional self-government authorities);
- Ensuring the conditions for the development of tourism, in particular the settlement arrangement, tourist infrastructure, environmental protection, natural and cultural heritage;
- Use of the tax revenues allocated to the municipality or town to improve the residence conditions of tourists
- Negotiate the development of the tourism development plans in the municipality or town
- Monitor tourist traffic.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Tourism Development Strategy of Croatia by 2020
Strategic Marketing Plan of Croatian Tourism 2014-2020.
Statute of Croatian Tourist Office (NN 34/2012)
Law on Provision of Tourism Services (NN 130/17)
Law on Touristic communities and promotion of Croatian tourism (NN 152/08)