
Subsidiarity monitoring at the CoR

Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty (1st December 2009), the Committee of the Regio​ns (CoR) is vested with more responsibilities regarding subsidiarity. It now has the right to bring an action before the EU Court of Justice on the grounds of infringement of the subsidiarity principle.

The subsidiarity principle, as laid down in the Treaty on European Union (Art. 5(3)), now explicitly contains local and regional dimensions and thus underlines the necessity to respect competences of local and regional authorities within the EU. The CoR is therefore developing its subsidiarity monitoring system throughout the whole EU policy and law making process.

The CoR Division of Powers analysis provides detailed information on the systems of multilevel governance and subsidiarity mechanisms in the different member states and candidate countries as well as allowing for a for a cross national comparison in the most important policy areas.​​​​​​