Turkey - Civil Protection
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Central administration and de-concentrated branches

The Disaster and Emergency Management Authority reports to the Prime Minister. Its tasks are:

  • To take necessary measures for effective emergency management and civil protection nationwide
  • To establish and coordinate emergency management centres in government departments and agencies;
  • To monitor and evaluate the implementation of measures and preparation of short- and long-term plans;
  • To coordinate the use of all types of land, sea and air transport vehicles and rescue/relief equipment;
  • To coordinate the reception and protection of relief supplies and their dispatch to locations where such supplies are needed; and
  • To provide general coordination among related ministries and organisations as well as international aid organisations.
  • Implement & coordinate emergency relief operations after disasters;
  • Implement short- and long-term measures for immediate temporary sheltering:
  • Determine disaster prone areas and take necessary mitigation measures; and
  • Determine and ensure implementation of all measures and principles to ensure minimum loss of life and assets in disaster prone areas

The Turkish Red Crescent Organisation (NGO):

  • Organises humanitarian relief (food, clothes, blankets, tents etc.) and provides temporary accommodation and other urgent needs of victims; and
  • Assists in the delivery of national and international assistance (including medical teams and equipment, blood/blood products and their storage & distribution).

The General Directorate of Civil Defence (Ministry of Interior):

  • Fulfil civil defence functions through provincial and district Civil Defence Directorates and civil defence experts within public and private institutions;
  • Set up civil protection and defence services nationwide and ensure the planning, implementation, coordination and supervision of measures in government and private establishments;
  • Plan and implement all activities for non-armed protection, emergency assistance and first aid;
  • Set standards for fire departments, educate their staff, supervise and coordinate them for fire protection and prevention;
  • Train civil defence personnel and create public awareness; and
  • Encourage voluntary organisations and individuals to provide relief in emergency situations.


Provincial government

According to Article 6 (b) of the Special Provincial Administrative Act, the special provincial administrations have the duty, provided that it is of a local and common nature:

  • Outside provincial boundaries to provide services relating to emergency assistance and rescue



Municipalities can provide the following services (Article 14 of the Municipal Law):

  • Security forces;
  • Fire brigades; and
  • Emergency aid.

Metropolitan Municipalities shall (Article 7 of the Law on Metropolitan Municipalities)

  • Provide municipal police services in areas under the metropolitan municipality's authority and zones operated by the metropolitan municipality;
  • In accordance with provincial-level planning, make metropolitan-level plans and other preparations relating to natural disasters; where necessary, provide other disaster areas with support in the form of equipment and supplies; provide fire-fighting and emergency services; designate production and storage locations for explosives and inflammable substances, inspect homes, businesses, recreational facilities, factories, industrial enterprises and public entities with regard to fire and other disaster prevention measures and issue the statutory permits in this respect; and
  • Evacuate and demolish buildings that are liable to cause a disaster or that constitute danger to life and property.


Constitution of Turkey, last amendment 2010.

Law on Metropolitan Municipalities, Law N° 5216, dates from 10.07.2004.

Municipal Law, Law N° 5393, dates from 03.07.2005.

Special Provincial Administrative Act, Law N° 5302, dates from 22.02.2005.

Presentation on Civil protection regulations by Ahmet Hamdi USTA, Head of Department of Civil Defence General Directorate.

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