Lithuania Education


The national Ministry of Education and Sciences has a central role in administering public education. Its goals are inter alia to:
  • Implement the national system of formal and non-formal education;
  • Implement the state policy on education and science in accordance to law;
  • Coordinate the activity of the Lithuanian institutions active in the fields of education and science.
  • To fulfil these goals, the ministry:
  1. Develops annual and long-term educational investment programmes;
  2. Approves requirements for the regulations of state‑run and municipal schools;
  3. Approves the general curriculum and achievement levels of formal education;
  4. Organises and coordinates the accreditation of the secondary education programmes;
  5. Approves the procedure of consecutive learning under general education programmes as well as the procedure for organisation and implementation of the Matura exams;
  6. Establishes, liquidates, and reorganises vocational schools as well as approves general vocational education plans.


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Organisation of pre-primary education and general education;
  • Establishment, liquidation, and reorganisation of regular and vocational schools;
  • Ensuring learning according to the programmes of compulsory education;
  • Organisation and coordination of educational assistance to children, teachers, families, schools;
  • Implementation of minimal child care arrangements;
  • Organisation of pre-school education, non-formal education for children and adults, organisation of activities for children and youth;
  • Organisation of meal services in educational establishments;
  • Managing the provision with school supplies of pupils from low-income families;
  • Maintenance of schools (classes) which implement general education programmes and are designed for children with exceptional talents or special needs;
  • Organisation of free transportation to the schools for children residing in rural areas that are further than 3 km from an educational establishment.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport




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