Central government is responsible for:
- Youth
- Participation;
- Civil rights and citizenship;
- Recreational activity and leisure time;
- Culture and information;
- Information technology and globalisation;
- Education and training;
- Employment;
- Health.
The Jordan Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF) is the main national youth organisation and aims to “increase the youth active participation in the development process.” It focuses on national and international volunteering, leadership, cultural interaction, participation, and youth work.[1]
Jordan Olympic Committee, recognised by the International Olympic Committee, oversees the national Olympic team and has 34 sports federations beneath it.
National spots policies are unclear and responsible bodies could not be identified. In practice, NGOs and private-sector bodies are the primary stakeholders for sports activities in the country.
Responsible bodies Higher Council for Youth
National Youth Strategy 2005-2009
YouthPolicy.org, Jordan, Country Factsheet
[1] Extracted from youthpolicy.org, http://www.youthpolicy.org/factsheets/country/jordan/