Ireland - Water management
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The National government

  • environmental legislation including freshwater and marine legislation.


The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

  • drafting the overall water policy, including the River Basin Management and Flood Risk Management Plans.


The office of Public Works

  • coordinates the implementation regarding the Flood Risk Management,
  • works with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and local authorities.


Environmental Protection Agency

  • prepares river basin management plan templates
  • gathers information on programme measures and input from local authorities.
  • provides reports on key indicators on health of waters.


Irish Water, accountable to the EPA and the Commission for Energy Regulation

  • manages water and wastewater services.



Regional assemblies

  • coordinate the implementation of legislation at regional and local levels with the technical support of Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the Local Authority Waters Programme 


Local and national

The Local Authority Waters Programme

  • brings together local authorities and state agencies to implement RBMPs, promoting the implementation of mitigation measures, providing scientific assessments of water bodies and encouraging citizen engagement at local level.


Responsible ministries/bodies



  • Regional assemblies





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