Hungary - Education
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​Hungary is a unitary State organised on a decentralised basis

​Hungary is a unitary State organised on a decentralised basis


The Government is responsible for:

  • Operating the public education system;
  • Maintenance and funding of institutions of public education;
  • Provision of free and compulsory primary education, through  institution-operating activities of state bodies and local authorities;
  • Issuance of guiding principles of national ethnic minorities' kindergarten education as well as the guiding principle of national ethnic minorities' school education and teaching  (Ministry of Human Resources);
  • Establishment and announcement of the central examination requirements and the regulation of evaluation;
  • Establishment or grant of permission for the establishment of institutions of public education.
  • The 'rector' and the 'senate' are now responsible for the academic governance of universities in Hungary; to make strategic decisions.
  • Management of schools, including elementary, primary and high schools.


Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • Maintenance of secondary schools, special schools and colleges, including for students belonging to national or ethnic minority groups[1];
  • County library, expert consulting and services in the range of pedagogy and general education;
  • Education of children under permanent medical treatment in healthcare institutions;
  • Education, upbringing of and caring for impaired children, who cannot be educated together with the other pupils;
  • Provision of information activities connected with admission to secondary school and specialised school;
  • Defining the conditions for fulfilling obligatory education;
  • Regional pedagogical-professional services;
  • Early development, counselling and care services, as well as experts and rehabilitation activities;
  • Ensuring the operation of the system of Budapest and County, permanent replacement of teachers and instructors;
  • Preparing development plans (Budapest city Local authority).


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Kindergarten education;
  • Supporting local community education.

The capital City of Budapest has responsibilities in the field of:

  • Supporting community education.

The districts of Budapest are responsible for:

  • Kindergarten services;
  • Supporting community education.

Local government units are not responsible for schools. In 2010, competencies, including resource allocation, was transferred to the national and regional levels.
Responsible ministries/bodies  Ministry of Human Capacities



2003. évi LXI. törvény a közoktatásról szóló 1993. évi LXXIX. törvény módosításáról , Act LXI of 2003 on Public Education

 2011. évi CXC. törvénya nemzeti köznevelésről, Act CXC of 2011 on the National Public Education

2011. évi CLXXXIX. törvény Magyarország helyi önkormányzatairól [Local Self-Government Act No. CLXXXIX of 28.12.2011]

Act LXXXIX of 2018 on Educational Regystry

Government regulation 94/ 2018(V.22)  on tasks and powers of members of the Government (94/2018. (V. 22.) Korm. rendelet

a Kormánytagjainak feladat- és hatásköréről

Developments financed from the Human Resources Opearive Programme rich 55 billion in Baranya county (   55 milliárdos értékben valósulnak meg EFOP-os fejlesztések Baranyában)



[1]  Since 2013  the  Government has financed   kindergartens, primary and secondary schools , including the vocational training entities,  as well. However A kindergartens are maintained through local self‑governments.

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