Georgia - Systems of multilevel governance
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At national level, local authorities are represented in the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG), which was set up in 2003 by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe at the request of the CoE and the EC. The NALAG aims to develop the local self-governance system and to develop democracy at the local level in Georgia.


In recent years, Georgia has made substantial efforts to improve the transparency, accountability, and public outreach of municipal governments. For instance, a USAID-funded Good Governance Initiative in Georgia programme brings together municipalities, government ministries and civil society actors to increase the public awareness of local decision-making and increase the openness of government; strengthen policy development and lawmaking processes; and strengthen institutional oversight of government.. The project works closely with civil society organisations and other public stake holders.


Georgia has a Regional Consultation Council ("Sabcho"), which is a consultation body of the governors (Rtsmunebuli) operating on the municipal level.


There are no specific mechanisms for coordination among the national and local governments. The Prime Minister of Georgia exercises legal supervision over a municipality's activities, while the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia. supports representation of interests of the municipalities and develops and submit a proposal in the field of decentralisation and local self-government system reform​.

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