Central authorities are responsible for:
- preparation and approval of legislation and standards in the field of water protection,
- protection of the quantity and quality of surface and groundwater,
- flood protection,
- national and international water planning, including programs of measures,
- international cooperation in the field of water management,
- economic, financial and administrative instruments in water protection,
- monitoring of qualitative and quantitative values of waste water discharge,
- construction of hydropower facilities,
- quality control of drinking and bathing waters.
Regional authorities are responsible for:
- implementation of selected measures, preparation of Programme of Measures and preparation of the RBMPs and FRMPs for sub-basins (together with other relevant authorities),
- actions concerning transboundary waters, after consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment,
- taking measures in emergency situations (drought, accidents etc.) if not taken at municipal level.
Municipal and district authorities:
- issue regulations for the management of surface waters within their competence,
- oversee water supply, sewerage and waste water treatment (managed by private and public water companies).
Responsible ministries/bodies
- Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture
- Water authorities
- Regional authorities
- Municipal authorities and district offices
- Municipal authorities with extended competencies