Central government is responsible for:
- Developing the national energy policy;
- Issuing state approval to build new facilities in the electricity and heat sectors, and
- Ensuring the fulfilment of obligations arising from the international agreements and treaties binding on Czechia or obligations arising from membership in international organisations.
Competences of the Energy Regulatory Office:
- Price controls
- Support for competition in the energy industries
- Supervision over markets in the energy industries
- Support for the use of renewable and secondary energy sources
- Support for the combined heat and power generation
- Support for the biomethane
- Support for the decentralised energy production and protection of customers' and consumers' interests
- Protection of licence holders' vested interests
- Protection of customers' and consumers' interests in the energy industries.
State Office for Nuclear Safety is responsible for supervision of nuclear safety of nuclear facilities, nuclear items, physical protection of nuclear facilities, radiation protection, and emergency preparedness of nuclear facilities and workplaces handling ionizing radiation sources.
Regional authorities are responsible for gas and electricity distribution and maintenance of energy networks.
Local authorities are responsible for gas and electricity distribution and maintenance of energy networks.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Energy Regulatory Office
State Office for Nuclear Safety