Cyprus - Agriculture
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Central Government


The department of Agriculture operates under the auspices of the ministry of Agriculture, rural development and environment . It is responsible for:

  • Developing the agricultural-sector through training and guidance for farmers.
  • The planning and implementation of development programs.
  • Achieving better quality and competitiveness of agricultural-products in local and international markets
  • The more efficient use of available resources and production factors
  • Formulating overall policy and legislation in the field of agriculture;
  • offering specific information, education and training programs on the harmonization of Cypriot agriculture with the European acquis
  • The Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, and the management of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development grants and the European Common Agricultural Policy.
  • Implementing agricultural policy;
  • Extending the agricultural scientific knowledge;
  • The provision of information, guidance and training to farmers and the rural population to stay abreast of the current needs and developments;
  • The operation of schemes, programmes and other policy measures related to agricultural and rural development, regulation and adjustment of production and the disposal of agricultural products
  • Supporting producers' incomes.
  • The implementation and enforcement of phytosanitary and livestock legislation.
  • Conserve and protect agricultural and natural resources.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Province Level

The five Provinces Agricultural Offices, namely Lefkosia, Larnaka, Ammochostos, Lemesos, and Pafos, are responsible for:


  • Implementing agricultural policy;
  • Promoting new improvements in the agricultural sector, including training and guidance of the rural population, and
  • Promoting development projects and schemes.
Local SAA

The five provinces are divided into agricultural ''beats'' (small areas), which consist of a varying number of rural communities, depending on the size of the communities, the number of farmers, the intensity of the farming operations, etc.


Local Action Groups, through LEADER Programmes, in accordance with Cyprus' Rural Development Programmes, devise and implement local measures to promote growth, labour market access and social inclusion in rural communities and in the field of Agriculture.


Municipalities are responsible for:

  • Regulating all activities related to livestock
  • Regulating the establishment and maintenance of slaughterhouses;
  • Establishing livestock markets.

Communities are responsible for:

  • Regulating all activities related to livestock
  • Regulating the establishment and maintenance of slaughterhouses.
  • Establishing livestock markets.



Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus,

Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
The Communities Law (Law No. 86(1)) of 1999.
The Municipalities Law (Law No. 111) of 1985, in particular Art. 84 (b), (c).​


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