Austria - Civil Protection
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State authorities are responsible for:

  • State Catastrophe and Crisis Management ("SKKM – Staatliches Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement") through the Federal Ministry of the Interior;
  • Co-ordination of international disaster relief through the Ministry of the Interior;
  • The operational headquarter within the Ministry of the Interior is the Federal Warning Centre ("Bundeswarnzentrale - BWZ") within the Operations and Crisis Coordination Centre ("Einsatz- und Krisenkoordinationscenter – EKC");
  • The Austrian civil protection association (only DE) ("Österreichischer Zivilschutzverband") consists of one nationwide association as well as the individual associations of the Länder. Its mission is to inform citizens on issues of civil protection;
  • The police underwent restructuring in 2005 when all law enforcement agencies became federalised and a federal police was created.
  • Extrajudicial dispute mediation in matters of criminal and civil law (“Kompetenzbereinigung")
  • Protection of personal data and information (“Komptenzbereinigung")


Responsible ministries/bodies

Federal Ministry of the Interior (only DE)

Austrian civil protection association (only DE)



Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • Disaster relief measures are primarily the competence of the Länder. The legal bases are the individual Länder laws ("Katastrophenhilfegesetze") which lay down the operational command structures for the lower Land and the lower tier administrative units, districts and municipalities;
  • The Austrian civil protection association (only DE) ("Österreichischer Zivilschutzverband") consists of one nationwide association as well as the individual associations of the Länder. Its mission is to inform citizens on issues of civil protection


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Disaster relief measures are primarily the competence of the Länder. The legal bases are the individual Länder laws ("Katastrophenhilfegesetze") which lay down the operational command structures for the Land and the lower tier administrative units, districts and municipalities; 
  • Municipality police (“Gemeindewachkörper").​



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